Visit of the mayor of Ioannina and delegation to Bratislava

Latest News | 30 - 09 - 2022

Visit of the mayor of Ioannina and delegation to Bratislava

The outward-looking "City Diplomacy" action aimed at attracting tourists and strengthening the networking of the destination "Ioannina" was once again implemented by the Municipality of Ioannina in Slovakia.

More specifically, the Municipality, in the presence of the Mayor Moses Elisaf and the President of the Chamber of Ioannina Dimitris Dimitriou, was on September 27 and 28, 2022 in Bratislava holding individual meetings and thematic presentation of the destination to tourism industry professionals active in outbound tourism.

The Mayor Moises Elisaf met with the Director of the tourism department of the Ministry of Transport of Slovakia, Mr. Ondrcka, where they discussed the possibilities of cooperation between the two destinations. Mr. Ondrcka then sat in on the presentation of the Ioannina destination and the discussion that followed with Slovakian tourist agents.

This was followed by very important meetings with representatives of the country's academic and research institutions for the development of exchange programs for students, researchers and know-how. Specifically, the mayor was welcomed to the Slovak Academy of Sciences by the President of the institution, Mr. Sajgalik, with whom the prospect of exchanges and synergies with the University of Ioannina was discussed. A long meeting was also held in the Classical Studies department of the Comenius University with professor Gruskova and a group of Slovak Hellenists about the possibility of strengthening their efforts to keep access to knowledge about modern Greece open to the new generation of Slovak students.

Finally, there was a cordial meeting with the Mayor of the Old Town of Bratislava, Mrs. Aufrichtova, where the possibility of creative and mutually beneficial exchanges between the two municipalities was explored.

The visit to the Slovak capital ended at the offices of the Jewish Community of Bratislava, where the mayor had an interesting and fruitful discussion with the president of the community, Mr. Duda, whom he immediately invited to visit Ioannina.

The program of meetings and consultations was co-edited by the active Embassy of the Hellenic Republic in Bratislava, which Mayor Elisaf warmly thanks in the person of Ambassador Mr. Dimitriadis.

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